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Carrières et stages

Nous sommes à la recherche de personnes passionnées par la transformation du système de soins en santé mentale des jeunes, en particulier pour les jeunes sous-représentés et faisant partie de groupes marginalisés. En vous joignant à nous, vous rejoindrez une équipe instigatrice de multiples partenariats avec des jeunes, des familles, des chercheurs, des prestataires de services, des décideurs politiques et des organismes communautaires.

Postes disponibles

Administrative and Research Coordinator - based at Lakehead University

Based at Lakehead University, the Administrative and Research Coordinator will be involved in an exciting research program funded by the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) aimed at enhancing mental health and wellness among Indigenous young people, that builds on the work of the ACCESS Open Minds Indigenous Council. The research program has various objectives and aligned activities such as identifying and sharing wise practices; identifying, developing and testing culturally and contextually relevant interventions, and measures; understanding views of Indigenous youths, service providers, and decision-makers on topics related to youth mental health and mental health services and developing culturally and contextually relevant outcomes.

Volunteer or Visiting Scholars

Contact us if you would like to join the team as a volunteer or are a scholar who would like to visit us or spend some time in our lab.


Professor Iyer enjoys mentoring and is available for research supervision of undergraduate, masters, PhD, post-doctoral and research-track resident trainees. Contact and if you would like to join the team as a trainee! Please attach your CV when you email us. Click below to learn more about what to expect as a future trainee.

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