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Aire ouverte

Developing, implementing and evaluating a learning health system

Inspired by ACCESS Open Minds and aligned initiatives, many Canadian provinces have launched integrated youth services (IYS). IYS aim to ensure that youths have access to all the services and supports that they need by integrating mental health, substance use, and other services (primary care, peer and family support, housing, Indigenous healing, work and study support, etc., in youth-friendly spaces (physical one-stop shops, mobile services, and virtual platforms). Aire ouverte is Quebec’s IYS with hubs across the entire province. Martin Goyette, Professor at ENAP, and Iyer co-lead Aire ouverte’s research and evaluation.


They are working with youth, families, Aire ouverte staff and managers, community organizations and researchers from across Quebec, along with the MSSS, to:


  1. Develop a set of measures and indicators that will guide implementation and evaluation

  2. Co-create, implement and evaluate a learning health system.

  3. Document and evaluate how Aire ouverte is implemented in various contexts, and what facilitates and hinders implementation

  4. Strengthen capacity among youth, families, clinicians, managers, community partners (e.g., how to do outreach, what should peer support look like, etc.)

  5. Advance youth mental health services, research and policy in by creating, linking, mining and making available datasets with youth-focused data from Aire ouverte, health, public health, primary care, emergency services, youth protection, etc.  

  6. Build links with other IYS and youth-focused initiatives in Quebec, Canada and globally  

Partners & Collaborators

  • Ministère de la santé et des services sociaux (MSSS)

  • Aire ouverte site teams (youth, families/carers, Aire ouverte staff and managers)

  • CISSS and CIUSSS organizations

  • Quebec researchers focused on youth

  • Other provincial IYS networks and leaders

  • Community organizations 



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